
The Red Panda

Located in China and Nepal, the red panda. or Shining Cat, inhabits tree tops.  The red panda was originally placed in the raccoon and bear families, but has recently been moved into it's own family, Ailuridae. 
     Looking like a raccoon and a panda bear, this animal feeds mainly on bamboo, but will also eat birds, mushrooms, eggs, and other plant material.  Being related to the giant panda, the red panda has a modified, wrist bone for grasping and pulling bamboo and climbing down trees.  Also, like the panda, they cannot digest cellulose so must consume alot of plant material.


The Axolotl

Native to only two lakes in Mexico, the axolotl is a neotenic salamander.  It's larval stage does not undergo metamorphosis so it retains it's gills and is not terrestrial.  They have no thyroid hormone which causes them to live in larval form.  They can, however be coaxed into metamorphosis with injections of iodine.  Though this shortens their lifespan from 15 years to 5.  
     Much of their body is capable of regeneration and is thus invaluable in scientific research.  This amphibian is carnivorous, eating worms, insects, and small fish.  They feed by "snapping" their jaws, inhaling whatever is in their path.  Adult axolotl's can measure up to 30 centimeters.  With large heads and small eyes and a mane of gill's projecting from the back of the head they are quite different looking than other salamanders.  These gill's are used for oxygenation of the blood although, they do sometimes gulp air into their lungs. They come in a variety of colors and make good pets.