Located in China and Nepal, the red panda. or Shining Cat, inhabits tree tops. The red panda was originally placed in the raccoon and bear families, but has recently been moved into it's own family, Ailuridae.
Looking like a raccoon and a panda bear, this animal feeds mainly on bamboo, but will also eat birds, mushrooms, eggs, and other plant material. Being related to the giant panda, the red panda has a modified, wrist bone for grasping and pulling bamboo and climbing down trees. Also, like the panda, they cannot digest cellulose so must consume alot of plant material.
Red panda's are about 3.5 feet long and can weigh up to 14 pounds. They spend alot of time eating and sleeping in trees and are adept climbers. They are most active at twilight and nighttime hours. They are territorial and patrol their area diligently marking their boundaries. Many, when frightened will either flee or stand on their hind legs, like members of the bear family, to look larger.
Red panda's are about 3.5 feet long and can weigh up to 14 pounds. They spend alot of time eating and sleeping in trees and are adept climbers. They are most active at twilight and nighttime hours. They are territorial and patrol their area diligently marking their boundaries. Many, when frightened will either flee or stand on their hind legs, like members of the bear family, to look larger.
The red panda is labeled a Vulnerable species, having less than 10,000 adult individuals. They are threatened by deforestation, competition with livestock, the exotic animal trade, and the meat and fur industry. Many of the nations in which this animal lives have protected areas designated for the red panda. Zoo's also help the population by breeding individuals.
Here is a really cute video of young red panda's playing in the snow.
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